1 min read

Child Sales Tax Rebate

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue is offering a $100 (per child) sales tax rebate for dependent children.


Sound fiscal management and a strong economy have resulted in a state budget surplus of almost $400 million for the state of Wisconsin. Recently, a law passed to return some of that surplus to taxpayers in the form of a Child Sales Tax Rebate. If you’re eligible, you can claim it between May 15 and July 2. 

What is the Child Sales Tax Rebate?

It is a $100 rebate for sales and use tax paid on purchases made for raising a dependent child in 2017. You may claim $100 for each qualified child.

Who can claim the Child Sales Tax rebate?

If you have a qualified child, you’re likely eligible. A child may only be claimed by one individual.

A qualified child must be:

  • Under age 18 on December 31, 2017
  • A dependent of the claimant for tax year 2017
  • A Wisconsin resident on December 31, 2017
  • A United States citizen

How do I claim my $100 (per child) Child Sales Tax Rebate?

The fastest and most convenient way is to go to Child Sales Tax Rebate where you will find more details, frequently asked questions and information. You can apply for the Child Sales Tax Rebate online 24/7, May 15 – July 2.

If after trying the website above, you still have questions, please feel free to contact us.

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