Lake County Workforce Development Program
If you’re an employer in or near Lake County, and you are having trouble finding qualified candidates to fill open positions within your...
If you’re an employer in or near Lake County, and you are having trouble finding qualified candidates to fill open positions within your...
As your business grows and flourishes, keeping everything running smoothly takes more work. Every individual part of your organization’s...
As your employee pool grows, so too will the need to have efficient payroll processes. However, as you may well know, payroll professionals are...
Employees are the most important assets of any business. And while your people are your most valuable assets, managing your employees...
Did you know that you might still qualify for the Employee Retention Credit? Find out what it is and whether you qualify in this helpful...
Misclassifying workers as independent contractors instead of employees can put your business in hot water. Think heavy fines, back...
If you are a small business owner, and you have never experienced an IRS audit, consider yourself fortunate. Be aware though, the...
If you are one of the many people wondering what happened to the refund you expected from your 2019 federal tax return, you are not...
On July 1, 2020, Public Act 101-0221 amended the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) requiring Illinois employers to...
WARNING Unemployment fraud is impacting Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) programs across the nation. Claimant fraud can include...
30% of Employees Admit to This Crime No business owner wants to believe their employees are dishonest. Yet, thousands...
Did You Know? In the past five years, business owners paid more than $1.2 billion in back wages due to payroll...