Sales Tax Responsibilities Have Undergone a Seismic Shift Recently
Sales tax responsibilities have undergone a seismic shift recently due to the landmark court case known as the Wayfair case. This case...
Sales tax responsibilities have undergone a seismic shift recently due to the landmark court case known as the Wayfair case. This case...
Putting away money for a rainy day and spending within your means makes great sense. Any financial planner, child of the...
In December of last year, the Internal Revenue Service warned tax professionals of an increase in phishing emails that...
If your business pays employees by the hour, you probably have to budget for overtime wages. Non-exempt employees who work over the...
The U.s. department of labor recently issued an update bulletin rescinding prior guidance known as the "80/20 rule". Since 2009, this...
At first glance, payroll fraud might seem difficult to achieve–after all, shouldn’t theft be easy to spot? Well-hidden fraud is not obvious to...
The Social Security Administration has started mailing informational notifications to employers that submitted W-2s for 2017 that contained...
Illinois and Wisconsin, along with 28 other states are acting to pass laws or regulations to require sales tax collection by remote sellers now or in...
The Tax Cuts and Job Act (TCJA) enacted extensive changes to the deductibility of meals and entertainment expenses for companies. If you are in...
Happy New Year! All of the guests have returned home, the holiday decorations are taken down and packed away, the hustle and bustle of the holiday...
On June 21, 2016, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued 500,000 notices to employers across the country, informing them of...
Next to your home, your car is probably the most expensive investment you make. The costs of paying for and maintaining it can be considerable. Can...