End of the Year Pension and Profit Sharing

End of the Year Pension and Profit Sharing

Join us in this illuminating podcast episode as we unravel the world of pension and profit-sharing options that can transform your year-end financial strategy. Discover how to reward your employees, save money, and make the most of tax deductions.

Send us your burning questions or the topics you'd like us to cover: bsb@kaizencpas.com


Cut the Stress from End of the Year Planning

Cut the Stress from End of the Year Planning

The year draws to a close and with comes the stress of trying to wrap up – along with Christmas presents – everything for your small business. ...

Essential Year-End Payroll and Tax Moves for Big Savings

Essential Year-End Payroll and Tax Moves for Big Savings

As the year wraps up, it’s crunch time for payroll and tax adjustments! In this Kaizen Time episode, Brian Bride, Director of Payroll...

Evaluate Your CPA's Performance

Evaluate Your CPA's Performance

It can be difficult to measure your CPA’s performance without an in depth understanding of tax. Fortunately, there are a few simple questions...