Is LLC, S Corp or C Corp Right for YOUR Future
Is the legal structure for your business the right one today? What about next year? We break down the implications of each legal structure to...
Unsure where to start with transitioning your small business? There are four main options for transitioning a business: selling to a private equity firm, selling to an internal employee, transitioning to a family member, or selling to an outside party. We emphasize the importance of professional guidance throughout the process, including an accountant, attorney, and business broker. Planning for a successful transition should ideally begin three years in advance.
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Is the legal structure for your business the right one today? What about next year? We break down the implications of each legal structure to...
What are the best practices when working with subcontractors? Some may come into your business to do work, but others may be representing you....
Unlock the power of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) in this episode of "Kaizen Time," part of the Blood, Sweat & Business podcast. Hosts Eric...